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Plato® Lötspitzen Reinigungs-stab AB-3
Plato® Tip Polishing Bar AB-3

Sparen Sie bares Geld. Die Verwendung des AB-3 reinigt die Lötspitze effektiv von Verunreingungen, ohne sie jedoch zu beschädigen.

You'll save money on soldering iron tips because you can use them longer. The inexpensive Plato® Polishing Bar restores detinned tips for additional service.

Normally, detinned tips (those unable to hold solder) are discarded. If the tips are not pitted or worn, buffing with the Plato® Polishing Bar will clean the tips and restore new life.

AB-3 Tip Polishing Bar

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Sehen Sie auch: Lötcreme, Lötdraht, Flußmittel, Barrenlot, Lötmaschinen, Lötgeräte, SMD,

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Vienna - Austria
Tel +43.1.706 43 000
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